
Gary Pacey avatar image
Gary Pacey asked

Using BMS CL12/100 as a charge regulator without BMS function.

The CL12/100 is an excellent product to limit the charge current from an automotive alternator. I wish to use it for charging batteries other than Victron Lithium.

To do this, I have connected a BMS extension cable across the BMS ports on the device to close the BMS loop. It now acts as though a healthy battery is attached.

However in this configuration, it will only charge at up to about 33% according to the Victron Connect app. In other words, about 35-amps for a 100-amp fuse installed. In this case, the starter battery voltage is at 14.3 and the house battery voltage is 13.6. It should be charging at 100%

It appears then that the BMS cable loop is not that simple? What can I do to get the full 100% of charge current?

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Gary Pacey avatar image Gary Pacey commented ·

@Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) Hi Johannes. Just hoping that you might have someone to shed some light on this issue. There is a back story to this as well.

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1 Answer
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hello, Yes, I know what the issue is and that's the fact that due to a redesign an unwanted phenomenon arises. The extention cable doesnt have enough resistance to work well so since this. So what's needed is to have a 56k resistor in line with each wire in the cable, then you should see the max power again.

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