
monkeypuzzle avatar image
monkeypuzzle asked

Cerbo GX and Pylontech batteries real time info.

I'm putting together an inverter system for off grid power for Sound Systems on carnival floats using a Pheonix Smart 48/3000 and Pylontech batteries joined together with a Cerbo GX. I'm struggling to get the info I need in real time. I can see on my phone via the bluetooth connection to the Pheonix what power the inverter is putting out. What I also need to see is the State of Charge of the battery. I can see this when I connect to the Cerbo and go on to the portal but there will be times when I'm in a field with no data access. I'd also like to give access to this info to the person running the Sound System. Is there an offline way to access the battery info via the Cerbo like the direct bluetooth display for the Pheonix?

Many Thanks, Matt.

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Why don’t you connect to the cerbo’s built in wireless AP?

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monkeypuzzle avatar image
monkeypuzzle answered ·

Cheers, I did that but I only get the option to connect to the VRM Online Portal and not the Remote App, am I missing something? I discovered last night that I can add a small touch screen and may go down that route but if I can get the remote app working that'd be better.


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

When you connect to the built in AP and browse to it's internal IP (not the LAN DHCP address) you will see the console. or http://venus.local

The key for Venus-HQ1940DEFR4-3b6. Where HQ… is the serial number as printed on the side of the box - is also on the box.

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