
Chris de Voogd avatar image
Chris de Voogd asked

False Status reading on VRM dashboard.

On EasySolar II GX 24/3000 everything connected exept solar panels. No load.

When no AC-in connected, VRM portal shows status OK and no alarm. It also shows current flowing from battery to inverter (2,2Amp) Seems OK to me.

When AC-in is connected, VRM portal shows status ALARM and red bar telling there is no AC -in but there is. There is also no charge current (0,0Amp) at all.

What I’m missing?



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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Chris de Voogd

Maybe a picture of what you are seeing?

Both on the GX and the Vrm.

But most likely there is mains there but the inverter is not accepting or not connecting to it. So programming is important

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Chris de Voogd avatar image Chris de Voogd Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I hope this will tell,


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ Chris de Voogd commented ·

Is this a new setup or previously owned? Why i ask is the alarm is not normal unless it is set up.

Is the inverter getting voltage at its terminals?

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3 Answers
Chris de Voogd avatar image
Chris de Voogd answered ·

Brand new, but I played around in the set-up

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Chris de Voogd avatar image
Chris de Voogd answered ·

Looks like everything is now working OK.

Thanks for responding anyway


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Chris de Voogd

Awesome, glad it is working?

What did you work out as the issue?

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Chris de Voogd avatar image
Chris de Voogd answered ·

I got technical assistance from Top.Systems company (Holland) service dept. and they changed settings in VE-remote configuration program.
Part of the problem was conflict situation between Li-ion BSM system and adsorption charge voltage setting of the battery charger.

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