
Luit Jan avatar image
Luit Jan asked

Alarm on tank level

Hi Experts,

My Cerbo is connected to 3 tanks and gives the level in percentages. Is it possible to get some kind of Alarm when the level reaches a defined percentage?

For example: percentage reaches 80%: Alarm in mail or text message?

Thanks for your reply,

Luit Jan

tank monitor
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3 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

There are no alarms, however you might be able to use the tank pump mechanism which closes a relay when a specific tank reaches a specific level.

Tank level alarms would make a good addition for RVs.

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Luit Jan avatar image Luit Jan commented ·
Correct! But then I lose the Gen set relay which I also use.
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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Would the node red tank sensor node not help you construct one in a flow?

If it is able to read that value from the sensor it is easy enough to build a flow.

Not having a tank sensor, I can't check but the docs state level(%) is available if supported.

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Luit Jan avatar image Luit Jan commented ·
I think Victron should add this functionality to the Cerbo. In my view this should be very easy. As the Cerbo is aware of the percentages, has a mail address, even a text message should be possible.....
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pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

If you want to be emailed an alarm then you could set the alarms up on VRM assuming you have connectivity, that is what I have done.

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