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echidna asked

Lithium Smart Monitoring by Bluetooth - programmatic data access?

I have sixteen 12.8V 330Ah Victron lithium-ion batteries we will be installing on our boat (in a 4s,4p configuration). I have Victron Connect v5.72 running on iOS and v1.28 firmware on the batteries, with the broadcast feature enabled. This works well on my iPhone for displaying essential data including cell balance, without logging into the batteries.

My problem is I would like to access this data in programmatic form (not just on a screen) for input into custom monitoring software on the boat. (I can't use VRM because the boat will not always have Internet connectivity.)

Furthermore, despite the increased range available with the Bluetooth broadcast data, with shielding, etc. on our boat, accessing the battery data with a phone or tablet in the pilothouse is problematic. I don't want to have to take a device to the battery location to access this data routinely. If necessary, I would put a tablet or computer near the batteries and use a remote desktop app., but this is a very clumsy workaround.


(1) Is the Victron Bluetooth App. the only way to access cell voltages, battery temperature, etc.? For example, is any of this data communicated via the BMS connections to the BMS device in use?

(2) Is there any way to access data received by the Bluetooth app? Is there any plan to make this data programmatically accessible in the future (e.g., via Signal K)?

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