
nonkelamadee avatar image
nonkelamadee asked

How much batteries on multiplus II 5000

Hello, we have a 'multiplus II 48 5000' at home and I was wondering how much batteries I could connect to it. At the moment we have 4 "US2000's" connected to it, but we wanted to connect another battery. The new battery we bought is the US2000C. Is it possible to connect this battery to our current installation? We would use the US2000C as master. Thanks in advance

Multiplus-IILithium Batteryhowto
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The pylontech operation guide for each battery has some good info in it.

You can add more without issue, this example from their docs has 6 in each stack.

You will notice they add a second set of +'ve and -'ve cables so as not to exceed the cable ratings, not that it would be easy to do that with a 5kVA inverter.


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nonkelamadee avatar image nonkelamadee commented ·
Yeah,was just making sure.thank you!

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