I have 8 panels (200W, VoC 20,25V, Vmp 18V,Isc 12,68A). 4 Panels are facing south, 4 Panels west.
What is the correct way of "plugging" them together?
- All 8 in a row, with one MPPT 250/60 (or would i loose Ampere during morning times, as 4 panels are in shadow)?
- 4x2 (4 in a row) with one MPPT 150/30 connected via Y cable (or is the MPPT not able to find the maximum / best MPPT point for those two strings?)
- 4x2 (4 in a row) with two MPPT 150/30
As option (2) is of course the cheapest option, I would of course prefer that one..
Thanks a lot!