Hello. Is it possible to dynamically connect 2 x multiplus II 8kW in parallel, so that if the house needs 8kW, the multiplus master goes on, but if the house needs, for example, 13kW, then the second - secondary multiplus is dynamically started only at that moment? To save on the consumption that the second multiplex needs. Or is it possible to set the timing of when the multiplex turns on and when it turns off? For example, only one will go at night when we are sleeping. I only need the secondary multiplex when we cook at home or charge the car. If it doesn't work automatically, I'm thinking of adding a smart relay or switch to the hob that would command the secondary multiplex to turn on. Do you think that the commands via the relay could somehow be connected to the multiplex? Is it possible to turn off one multiplex that is connected in parallel? the master multiplus would still work in that parallel mode. You probably understand what I mean. rarely will I need both multiplexes turned on.