
Alois Spacek avatar image
Alois Spacek asked

Discharge battery current limit setting

know enybody how setup discharge current battery limit? becouse i think is important and missing thanks

battery charging
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4 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

There is no such setting. Basically you have to limit the loads.

If using ESS you can limit the inverter power (and "top up" from the grid if the loads are larger than your limit), but that limits the power drawn from battery and/or MPPT charger(s), not strictly from battery.

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Alois Spacek avatar image
Alois Spacek answered ·

this is unhappy, and is prepare this function in future? I dont uderstand why that basic function is missing. thank you and have a nice day

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
Perhaps you could explain a bit more clearly?

Do you want to limit the current flowing out of your battery?

Or limit the depth of discharged for your battery?

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Alois Spacek avatar image Alois Spacek klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
i would like limit only discharge battery current.

thank you

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Alois Spacek avatar image
Alois Spacek answered ·

Yes, exactly I want to limit the current flowing out of battery and can not limit power of multiplus, becouse during the day battery and mppt gíve together more power. Battery have a capacity but have not so many current.

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silverfox avatar image
silverfox answered ·

I was able to do this - see my answer to Question 66801.

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philippe-rigollet avatar image philippe-rigollet commented ·

I have the same concern as my battery specification has a 90A limit.

But I can't seem to find answer to question 66801. I can't find question numbers...Would you mind putting me in the right direction?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ philippe-rigollet commented ·

@Philippe Rigollet This is 66801..

Related to exporting power. It's not possible to limit battery power to standalone loads, as it would only damage the loads

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