
Nota .Robot avatar image
Nota .Robot asked

Yield on MPPT App

Just wanting some clarification regarding Yield. I have the VE.Direct Smart app. Is the Yield value shown, the total amount of power collected by the solar panels OR the total amount collected by the panels PLUS the amount of energy drawn by my appliances? I can see that on days where we use more energy the yield value is higher. We only use our energy hungry appliances during the day on sunny days. Thanks

MPPT SmartSolar
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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

PV yield, i.e. total collected from the sun. It has no clue what you're using on the load side, but more load means you NEED more PV. You will get as much as you need OR as much as it can deliver based on array size and available sun.

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