My WiFi adapter doesn't seem to work on Pi Zero 2W (works with vanilla RPI OS though), typical enabling through connmanctl has no success because the system itself doesn't detect any wifi devices at all? Bluetooth works, so the wireless device is partially operable?
I was able to access the device with an Ethernet dongle, but since the system expects to find a wifi adapter in order to use it as the VRM Portal ID, I couldn't get VRM to work.
Not sure if this is a vestige of old Pi Zeros having no wifi adapters or if a different driver is needed (I heard some Pi02W have different adapters depending on supply).
I was able to at least get the VRM Portal ID assigned (i.e., the MAC address) from ethernet by modifying the /sbin/get-unique-id script based on this thread
Which allows the VRM Portal ID to use ethernet mac address without throwing an error. I suppose a more permanent solution would be to get the wifi adapter working, but in case anyone else runs into this problem that's my work around.