
mje avatar image
mje asked

Cerbo GX - internal Wifi password

1656950749422.pngThe Cerbo GX can both connect to my home WIFI and it has its own Wifi Hotspot (SSID=venus-HQ2128MP2RW-ea5). Side of my box has no QR Code or password. I have a PN & SN.1) What is the Cerbo's password?
2) How do I change the Cerbo's password?
3) How do I change the Cerbo's SSID?

cerbo gx
1656950749422.png (131.3 KiB)
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You will find it on the side of the unit itself not on the box.

More specifically the bottom of the unitnor at least that is where it is on mine.

Instructions are here for the internal wifi access point.

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mje avatar image
mje answered ·

Yup - on the bottom facing side of the Cerbo GX. I had a mounted box there - so not easy to see. Connected successfully - a 172.16.x.x address and unfortunately no networked connectivity to any of the existing Internet connections that the Cerbo GX already had. That is a pity.
The written instructions need to be updated.

auto) Locate the QR code sticker on the side of the Cerbo GX
Should read "bottom side"?

manual) Connect to WiFi using the 'WiFi key' which you will find printed on the side of the box …and also on a card in the plastic bag. Keep that in a safe place.
Don't remember getting a card, and it is not on the side of the box - it is on the bottom (or lower) side of the Cerbo GX.

So I guess a modification to make that Wifi into (i) an extension or "bridge" of any Internet network coming in or (ii) if nothing then keep it as is. Be nice to be able to change the name and password too!

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Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton answered ·

I think you are talking about its 'HotSpot' which I suspect is only used for commissioning and emergency access. If so you can find those details at any time by connecting using Victron Connect, bluetooth, and looking at network settings in the app.

Once you have a WIFI connection to the units broadcast SSID you can see the remote console and have the unit join your local WIFI network from there.

As far as I know, and I am no expert, there is no provision for the unit working as a range extender or bridge.

Once you have joined your WIFI LAN, turn off the broadcast SSID, you can always turn it on again with the button on the top if you loose connectivity.

Personally I would recommend connecting with Ethernet, a cable, leaving DHCP enabled and setting a static IP for it in your router. If you cant to that then set the internal IP as static.

However you go about it I am pretty sure that the broadcast SSID isn't what you want long term.

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superdavidone avatar image
superdavidone answered ·

I'm reopening the topic for further information.

On my camper I have the Cerbo GX in access point mode which I use exclusively to connect a tablet and access the remote console in order to have a non-wired remote display. By doing this I can avoid laying 7 meters of HDMI cable to drive any display connected to it.

Cerbo gx is, in turn, connected via ethernet to a GSM router which allows me to access not only from the tablet in the "intranet" but also in VRM from a telephone via the Internet. I recently added 4 video surveillance perimeter IP cams that are connected wirelessly directly to the router. From a certain point of view it would be convenient to connect them to the Cerbo hotspot to remain connected to the intranet and not be slaves to the GSM connection which, if it is not available at the moment, would prevent consultation. I was wondering if there was a way to make Cerbo GX work as a bridge, or study a system whereby IP cams can be consulted both on the intranet and on the internet. I thank you and greet you cordially.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
Rather open a new subject, as it is different to this one, and on the modifications section.

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