
boostech avatar image
boostech asked

MPPT 450/200 Maximum battery voltage only 62V


I have upgraded our ess 3 phase system and added a MPPT 450/200.

Now I am very surprised that this only goes up to 62V battery voltage.

Previously, we had the MPPT 250/100 so I could charge without problems up to 64V.

Also the Multiplus can charge as far as I know up to a maximum of 67 V, so I am surprised that the MPPT 450/200 can not.

Maybe it is possible to raise the maximum voltage to 64V via the firmware of the MPPT 450/200?

It is really very surprising that not all MPPT chargers and inverters can output the same voltages.

I have a Lipo 16S battery that I could charge with the MPPT 250/100 only to 4V per cell, that was ok, but now I can only charge to 62V total that is really a pity.

I hope there is a way to change this via firmware to raise the maximum voltage to 64V.

Thanks for the help and many greetings

mppt rs
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6 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @boostech,

It is a firm limitation from the new design, please see Matthijs’ complete answer here for more information:

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boostech avatar image
boostech answered ·

hi, thanks for the quick reply.

I read them all and I think I would be somewhat helped by the firmware version v01.08. Unfortunately I didn't know that and did the update to v01.09 right after the installation.

Here I can unfortunately only the current version download:

Where can I get the v01.08?

Then I can downgrade the firmware.

thanks for your help.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
It should be, and your description confirms it, that the enhancements in V1.08 were carried through into V1.09.
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boostech avatar image
boostech answered ·

Is there no way to make the voltage a little higher?

It is a pity that the data sheet was modified afterwards!

A downgrade to an old firmware should make at least the full charging power to 62V possible again?

I ask for help, a return of the MPPT 450/200 is not an option for me, because we have the complete system already wired.

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The newest firmware provides the most power possible, maximum rated output at 60V, it is an improvement.

Downgrading to previous firmware will reduce the power output at voltages above 57.6V. The derating occurred sooner in the early firmware versions.

Given it is now fully installed, are you actually seeing a loss of performance or capacity from those last few missing volts?

In most cases the majority of the charging is complete at that point, but there are exceptions.

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peter-5 avatar image
peter-5 answered ·


did. Someone Receive the 01.08 fw?

I‘ve the Same Problem with two 450/100.


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Petr P avatar image Petr P commented ·
Any news about that topic?
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peter-5 avatar image
peter-5 answered ·


did. Someone Receive the 01.08 fw?

I‘ve the Same Problem with two 450/100.


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jetronic avatar image
jetronic answered ·

Hello all, I am also planning and wanted to use the MPPT RS 450/100.
I will now discard, I need 64V battery voltage.

I can reach the 64V charging voltage with a MPPT 250/xxx, can you confirm this?

There seems to be only 2 possible charging sources then, Multiplus 2 and MPPT charger 48V models. Is this correct?

Thanks and Merry Christmas

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