
ammaree avatar image
ammaree asked

MultiPlus 48/1600/20 to Canbus BSL Batt B-LFP48-160E

We would like to connect MultiPlus 48/1600/20 to a BLS Battery B-LFP48-160E battery. The battery has a builtin BMS with CanBus interface.

# What is required to achieve this?

# Can we simply use either Type A or B cable from this link?

# Or do we need a VE-Bus to VE-Can converter?

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

It's probably best to read Victron and BSL battery guide.

Have you asked your battery vendor?

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1 Answer
tom4x avatar image
tom4x answered ·

The documentation includes this information:

3. CAN-Bus wiring between battery and GX device
In order to connect your battery to the relevant GX device, one must utilize a “Type B” cable, the Victron part number for this cable is : ASS030720018.
One should always terminate the CAN port on the GX device when it comes to installing BSL batteries.

I can confirm that Type B cables work. The pin-outs of BMS cables are listed here:

The interface (BMS-Can) at the Cerbo must be set to 500kbit/s.

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