
capran avatar image
capran asked

Blinking blue light on Phoenix Multi charger

Have the Victron 3000 12v and a phoenix multi control which the previous owner says was a remote for switching the charger. When using the microwave or coffee pot at the dock with power, noticed the blue light flashes on the multicontroller and the yellow light signaling the bulk or absorption or float goes off. Is there a manual that describes what these lights mean. I do see he had set the dial to 16. so when the blue light is blinking, does it mean the charger is not getting the amps it needs to charge?

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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

All the manuals are downloadable as pdf files. If you Google victron followed by product name and manual, it's quite quick.

There's a slightly longer route, but more comprehensive:

For some products the led display is covered in the Victron toolkit app.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Usually blinking blue lights mean normal operation
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