I did not find any thread corresponding to my problem:
I have Multiplus 48/3000/35-50, I test overload many times up to 4500W
with power-assist, the input AC current is set to 25A and boost-factor is default (2.0)
But sometimes if I'm not home, the Multiplus sometime completely shut down after a relatively soft overload without any warning or alarm.
Before the last shutdown, the output current was 15A and the input current was 6.9A at 235.6 V.
Also see attached pictures of VE.bus state and MPPT state, I'm not using ESS or DVCC.
Also, there is a second issue, after shut down, mutiplus does not turn on.
I must switch to charge (Multiplus does not charge, the battery is full, only after a minute some the relay clicks) and after that, I can switch to on, see video.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g41mycqi6Ug&ab_channel=MiroslavSokol