
choicelocks avatar image
choicelocks asked

Easy Solar training how?

I don’t intend to sound flippant, but I bought an easy Solar because I thought it would be well “easier” but despite being directed to the victron training there doesn’t seem to be anything specifically for the easy Solar. Which makes it very difficult to get the picture of what I have bought. I have looked for weeks at cerbo gx. Mppt etc but there are no direct examples of how this links into or is preinstalled in an easy Solar. Can anyone help me to understand where to find all about the easy Solar. I have searched the internet and YouTube but feel this should be available on victron training. Am I missing something or is victron?

EasySolar All-in-One
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

What model do you have exactly?

Basically an EasySolar is just a MultiPlus and a MPPT together in one case.

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3 Answers
choicelocks avatar image
choicelocks answered ·

3000 250/70 48volt through a lot of searches I now realise that there is a ccgx built in and that it has things like ve and vrm built in. Where I was really struggling was the wiring I have a city and guilds as a domestic installer and uk 18th edition qualified. but I still am trying to confirm that tails are taken directly to an isolator from grid and into ac in on inverter and that ac out then goes from inverter to consumer unit. (I still do not know if I will need a CT to feel voltage pressure at ac. I know many will say it’s obvious but nowhere even in the manual do I see this confirmed in writing. Also there is no indication as to whether I can extend Wi-Fi via signal booster. I want to mount in top of a steel server rack above my pylontech batteries and am wondering if I can (or will need to) boost Bluetooth / Wi-Fi signal

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marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·


Just treat this ES-II as a separate MP-II, MPPT 250/70 and GX device (it is not CCGX).

Read all about MP-II, MPPT and GX and you get all the answers.

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choicelocks avatar image
choicelocks answered ·

Thank you can you confirm that my ac in and out is correct. Also I know it’s not victron but I have a haeger consumer unit which has a new surge protection (lightning) device built in to the switching rail is this ok for Lightning protection for my pv I appreciate the panels will need bonding to earth too.

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marekp avatar image marekp commented ·

Yes, you need AC surge protection on DC line.

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