
sharpener avatar image
sharpener asked

Venus OS Large item missing in VRM menu

Have installed 2.90~14 on my MultiPlus II-GX and selected Large


and then have checked back and get "No newer version available" so I think it is installed OK.

But there is no Venus OS Large item in the VRM menu


unlike this example here


so I cannot get started with Node Red.

What step(s) have I missed out?

Venus OSNode-RED
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5 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @sharpener,

Did you enable Node-RED and/or Signal K in Settings > Venus OS Large features? One of these two need to be enabled in order to see the menu item for Venus OS Large in VRM.

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sharpener avatar image sharpener commented ·

Thanks @Stefanie, found it now but appears not to be available in Safe Mode as per this earlier msge, is there a solution for that? Alternatively is there a sandbox somewhere I can play in without risk of corrupting a running system (that is 300 miles away)?

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ sharpener commented ·

The intention of running Node-RED in Safe Mode is to recover from e.g. an endless loop created accidentally in one of the flows in Node-RED. Such a loop can make the node-editor stop working. In safe mode flows are not loaded but the editor is and then one can clean up the faulty flow and return to normal mode to run the flow(s). It was never intended to run Node-RED Safe Mode as a standalone mode.

There may be a sandbox online to try. Victron does not offer that.

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sharpener avatar image
sharpener answered ·

Thanks for yr help @Stefanie.

I have now got a flow working which varies the inverter power setting according to the battery voltage, this prevents the Pylontech BMS from tripping the whole system off.

Another thing you might be able to help with. I would like to set a "Night Mode" with a timer and use that state to force a low power setting so the fan does not run at night. Is there a node that will allow messages to pass (or not) according to a boolean variable (like an analogue switch in CMOS)?

Also the Timer node will produce an output once per minute, whereas the Victron nodes are every 5 secs and so will override the Timer output unless I store its state somehow. Is there a Latch or Flip-Flop node that will do this?


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woyzeck avatar image
woyzeck answered ·

Sorry to reopen this old thread again, but since yesterday I'm facing the same issue - the Large menu item is missing in VRM.

I can still access nodered via https://venus.local:1881, so the firmware image is correct and running. It's just that the VRM portal doesn't show the menu item.

Any hints ?

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mrhappy avatar image mrhappy commented ·

I have the same issue since today, locally it's fine but not available in VRM...

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woyzeck avatar image
woyzeck answered ·

Never mind - one day later it's back in the menu. A Heisenberg bug obviously.

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mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy answered ·

Anybody? venus OS large menu item in VRM has been missing now for more than a week even though node-red works fine locally. What can I do to enable it again?

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mrhappy avatar image mrhappy commented ·

Ok, after rebooting the GX device it came back...

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