Hello all,
I have an easy solar 12 1600. I am installing it in my Van and waiting for the AC to be connected. I have the easy solar connected to a Cerbo GX and a 500amp Smart shunt. All devices are connected with Vebus or Vedirect cables. The system is also added to the VRM Portal.
I was going through the manual and looking at the charge profiles. The unit seems built for AGM Gel ect but i don't see any Dip Switch profile for Lithium.
So my question is. Do i need to set any of the Dip switches for Lithium?
Or is the setup Via software sufficient?
If the system reset for some unknown reason would the software config remain or would the system drop to Dip switch defaults?
After changing any of the Dip switches and saving the settings is a power restart required?
Thank you so much for all your help. I know this post dragged on and there is more than one question.
Best Regards.