
bjwtb avatar image
bjwtb asked

Multiplus II doesn't feed to grid

Multiplus II 48/5000 100/70

Location NL

Gridcode changed to germany. Only clickety relais for a while, then no exces pv power flows to the grid.

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3 Answers
Marco Nijholt avatar image
Marco Nijholt answered ·

Have you setup the ESS assistant and configured a negative grid setpoint, configured feed in excess pv? AC/DC coupled PV?

Whats your complete setup like?

There is not alot of information in your post to give you correct guidance.

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bjwtb avatar image
bjwtb answered ·

Thanx for the quick reply.

Have not tried the ESS assistant. Info is a bit fragmented.

Pv panels JAsolar 380Wp

Victron mppt 250/100

Multiplus II 48/5000 100/70

Batterypack 4x12V each 110Ah


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Marco Nijholt avatar image Marco Nijholt commented ·

The ESS assistent is where configuration are what you seem to be looking for.



This needs to be installed on the multiplus using VEconfig. A correct grid configuration has to be configured in the multiplus aswell to allow feed in.

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bjwtb avatar image
bjwtb answered ·

Did a firmware upgrade,

Ess assistant installed

and a few tweeks in vconnect did the trick.

Happy bunny now.

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