
martin-fi avatar image
martin-fi asked

EV Charging Station - No connection to BMW i3s

We tried to connect the EV Charging station to a BMW i3s. It is our first test of the EV charging station.

The station shows "EV Disconnected".

We tried to this with 1-phase and 3 phase supply and in standalone mode (Wifi as AP).

Firmware Version CERBO GX 2.90

Firmware Version EV Charging station V3.3/1.19-beta-14

What can we try ?

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4 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Try to update the charging station to 1.21 via the VRM portal.

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martin-fi avatar image
martin-fi answered ·

We could not find the EV Station on our Cerbo. We checked the Firmware 2.90 and made a downgrade to 2.87 . Then the EV Station was found again so we could make the update of the EV Station to 1.21 .

Next step is to try if the station will charge the vehicle.

I will give a feedback.

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martin-fi avatar image
martin-fi answered ·

After we made the Update to 1.21 the EV Charging Station works fine.

Thank you for the support.

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energotechnika avatar image
energotechnika answered ·
We have the same problem with firmware 1.23 and after updating to 1.24 it is still not possible to connect the BMW i3 although the VW Up works without problems on the same charger. The originally recommended firmware 1.21 is no longer available on dropbox. Does anyone have a solution?
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