
cptjack avatar image
cptjack asked

Indication light for remote switch

I use a Multiplus with a simple remote switch for the "ON" "OFF" "Charger only" function.
In adition to the swizch I like to have an indication light, that shows, if the multi is working or not. Is there any solution to use the current on the remote line? what is the voltage of the remote line?
Anybody any clue?

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1 Answer
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

Hi cptjack,

You can possibly test the voltage between the central terminal on the Multi & negative to see if/what the voltage is - its probably a few volts.

Then you could purchase 2x LED's that will work @ that voltage & wire it between the outer 'switched' terminals & negative.

However, the issue with this is that it won't prove 100% that the Multi has followed the command of your simple switch.

The best way forward in my opinion would be to purchase a 'Digital Multi Control' & run a standard UTP cable to it.

This will not only tell you the on/off status but also the charge states & any errors, it also allows you to adjust the charge current limit.

I think its worth the small investment if you normally operate the unit remotely!

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