
Benoit Mathieu avatar image
Benoit Mathieu asked

Mppt use for well pump


I will soon have to install a water pump for my well in order to irrigate my land. That's why i will buy a solar panel, a mppt and a battery.

I am wondering if the load output of the victron are bypassing the battery ?

I read that i shoud connect the pump directly to the battery, but i do not feel comfortable with that for 2 reasons :

- I think this will be a lost of power, due to the conversions into chemical energy that are inherently done by the battery.

- I would prefer not to use too much the battery, i think that running a 300W pump on the battery will use it way faster than bypassing it.

Example: The pump asks for 300W, and my solar panels will be 500W total. If the sun is good and i'm having let's say 400W out of it, i want to bypass the battery and pump the water directly with 300W of the PV and to load my battery with the 100W staying.

From what i read i dont think that the output load from a victron mppt will do the job, so what you think I can do for that ?

Ps: The water pump is 12v, as the whole system so i dont think i need an inverter.

And thank you by advance for your time and answers !

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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Load output is there to prevent excessive discharge of the battery. Check the MPPT you use can take the pump current. If you download/install Victron connect, select demo library, select your MPPT, go into settings, you'll see the load configuration settings.

Otherwise there is no difference between connecting to the battery and load. Ignoring load, assume mppt out, battery and pump are directly connected. MPPT generates power, pump takes what it needs, rest goes to battery. If MPPT generates less than pump needs, battery supplements.

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Benoit Mathieu avatar image Benoit Mathieu commented ·
Hello !

Thank you for that ! But i'm still not so comfortable with the idea that my battery will be able to power the pump, I am afraid that it will use so much the battery, and i want to keep it for years ...

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ Benoit Mathieu commented ·
You can buy solar powered pumps.

Powered directly from a panel(s) without a battery.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ Benoit Mathieu commented ·
Set the cut out voltage on the mppt relatively high, 12.3V or so. This will minimise battery use.
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