
duswami avatar image
duswami asked

Do i need seperate Bluetooth dongles for MPPT CC and Multiplus II

I want to view both the SS MPPT CC and the Multiplus II in Victron Connect. Not using a GX device. Do I need to use two separate Bluetooth dongles for each device? I have one, it appears the smart shunt, and the CC have BT built in.. Limited range.

Multiplus-IISmartShuntBluetoothsmart solar set-up helpVE.Direct Bluetooth Smart Dongle
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You will need the VE Bus Smart dongle for the Multiplus to monitor in victron connect. And yes the BT dongle will work for the MPPT.

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duswami avatar image duswami commented ·
Ok great, I have both of those, thanks.
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duswami avatar image duswami commented ·
So I have the MK3-USB connector, do I really need this, or will I be able to do configuration settings over Bluetooth?
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ duswami commented ·

Once you have made settings you dont really need the mk3, unless you want to update or change anything.

The Bluetooth Smart is mostly monitoring, you can change a few things like input current limit.

Since you have the mk3 , if you are a tinkerer, you can also use a raspberry pi to make a GX for monitoring.

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