
supiiik avatar image
supiiik asked

MQTT change MaxChargeCurrent not working on multiplus after I connected bluesolar MPPT


I have a problem, which appeared after I connected bluesolar charger to my battery. Before there was only multiplus II and when I changed DC charge current, it was working properly. MQTT topic is venus-home/N/xxxxxxxxxxx/vebus/289/Dc/0/MaxChargeCurrent (of course I'm using W instead of N to change values).

Problem appeared, when I connected bluesolar to the system. Now when I change the MaxChargeCurrent value, it's working, but a few seconds later it change back to 35A.

I'd like to control charging current of the multiplus, not whole system, so that the bluesolar is charging full power and multiplus is controlled by MQTT. But since I connected bluesolar it's not working. Is it a bug or am I missed something? (sorry for my english :/ )

Multiplus-IIMQTTcharge current limit
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1 Answer
supiiik avatar image
supiiik answered ·

Ok, I found solution. Disable DVCC and remove current control assistant in multiplus. Now it's working like a charm. Now I can control current in multiplus by MQTT.

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