
fixitbaz avatar image
fixitbaz asked

GX Touch 70 Home Screen Display Icom ?

Can someone tell me why I have 2 icom on the Input side of the inverter icom I have the grid connected as shown by the red icom but why have I the other green AC loads box marked with the black X can this screen be edited if the icom is not required ? My house is ll connected to the critical loads on the outside of the Quattro.

I cant understand why this green AC loads box indicates ?


cerbo gx
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fixitbaz avatar image fixitbaz commented ·
Still no answer on this then is it just mine showing this additional box ?
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2 Answers
munga avatar image
munga answered ·

@Fixitbaz if you configure your ESS the system differentiates between critical and non-critical loads. Since everything is on critical loads your AC loads will always be 0W. I am not sure it can be turned off in this display layout.

I take it you have a grid meter installed too?

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fixitbaz avatar image
fixitbaz answered ·

Yes Victron current meter fitted but would be nice not having the display if not used, why is it showing on the ac input side ??? What would monitor it

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