
rebecca-a avatar image
rebecca-a asked

Orion Tr Smart 12-12 30 - no bluetooth detected

Hi, I just purchased an Orion TR Smart 12 |12 - 30. I went to connect it for the first time and the Victron Connect App cannot see it. The bluetooth light does not come on. I cannot see it in my list of bluetooth connections on my phone. I have confirmed that there is appropriate power going in to the device. I am using iPhone 10 Xs, 15.4.1 I tried the troubleshooting suggestions but can’t get far because I can’t get any connection.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Sounds like you need to return it for a new unit.

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rebecca-a avatar image rebecca-a commented ·
Thank you. Was suspicious, but hoping that I missed something.
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