
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra asked

How would you wire up a remote on/off for multiple MPPT RS

We were looking to possibly add some extra safety to a three phase system installation with 6x MPPT RSs installed, they are CAN connected to a Cerbo with BYD batteries installed.

There will be a safety switch wired in for the safety switch assistant on the inverters in case of emergency. Using the same switch we were wondering about stopping charge from the mppts as well. (NO and NC are available in the same switch N/O being used for the inverters.)

So the NC is available and can be used for the remote switch for the MPPTS.

So the possible connections could be:-

1. The switch be wired to one mppt and being CAN connected they will all shut down if the button is pressed. The question is will that work?


2. All the remote H and L have to be individually wired from all the mppts to the switch for them to all receive the signal.


3. We can daisy chain all the H connections to each other and daisy chain all the L to each other then to the switch to make contact. (Not really much less wiring but still interesting to know.)

Or we could just scrap the whole idea, because it was being overthought anyway.

What are your thoughts?

mppt rs
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Connect all H together and through the switch to the battery positive.

Or all L together to the battery negative.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
@Matthias Lange - DE

Do you think an inline fuse is necessary using the H to positive connection?

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Have a look at the below link you can add this software to your GX and then tap the blue inverter tile and you can turn the inverter off and on from there. plus may other features

I think this is what you are after


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Thank you for the suggestion. I will keep that in mind for customers who are more comfortable with system interaction. (And probably play with it at home)

I am looking for a physical way to do this at the moment.

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