Hi and hi @Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff)
we have a combined setup consisting of 3xVictron MP5000 (12kWp Panels) and Fronius (15kWp).
The Grid Setpoint does not work as expected (any maybe intended).
Grid Setpoint is set to -22500, the minimum SOC is set to 20%
Although the SOC is 40%+ and the total power would be sufficient (21+ kw) the given Setpoint parameter is not fulfilled.
Only 16 kw are sent to the grid and we have no idea how this can happen.
Maybe one strange observation: the voltage on L1, L2 and L3 against the grid is above 245V. Looks a bit too much, but honestly I have no idea ...
Does anyone have any idea how this behaviour can happen ?