
riaan-mertz avatar image
riaan-mertz asked

Quattro 48/15000/200-100/200 Grid Alarm: Grid Lost

The Quattro 48/15000 keeps on cutting the grid supply every now and then (Grid Alarm: Grid Lost). I don't why does it do that and how can I prevent it?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Riaan Mertz

It depends on what your grid code or settings are. There will be a voltage range and frequency setting. The other possibilities include a weak grid connection and the amps drawn are making it worse and an input breaker that is failing causing a high resistance or bad connection and my favourite undersized cabling.

Try lowering your input and charging amps if the grid is within range.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Could also be that you have a sensitive supply smart meter (problem in SA) and the system is backfeeding a bit too much and the meter is cutting you off for a few minutes.

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