
vassilis-bourdakis avatar image
vassilis-bourdakis asked

Switch MPPT controller on and off from the dash (the way Multi can be switched on and off)?


there are cases I want to turn the MPPT controller off especially now with a LiFePO4 bank that should not be left fully charged.

Was thinking if it can be done a la Multi where you touch the multi icon on screen and popup comes up with options to ON OFF CHARGE INVERT.

Is that doable?

I know I just log in from my mobile VictronConnect App/VRM/Devices/MPPT and do it that way.

Alternatively, can it be done from the VRM on a pc, doesn't look like I can either.



VRMmppt state
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1 Answer
baxter avatar image
baxter answered ·

Would love that feature too!

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