
pieterpost avatar image
pieterpost asked

Mount EasySolar 12/1600 Sideways?

Hey Everyone,

I bought an EasySolar 12v/1600 for my (soon to be) campervan. It now seems my vertical mounting possibilities are limited. Would it be possible to mount it horitzontal/sideways? I can't see why this would negatively impact the device but I'm not quite sure.

Thanks for you advice in advance!

EasySolar All-in-One
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Heat. And then derating of power output because of heat. The fans do help but heat does like to go up, so they will run more. If you can live with that, then it should be fine.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

The easysolar fan is noisy, especially in a campervan. But the unit works well. Very pleased with mine.

Suggestion make sure it has good ventilation and is installed in a box with some sound deadening. This will make you heat problems worse, but cut the noise on AC. Design in some external thermostatically controlled external ventilation fans. You can get these (sold for fridge installations) or build your own with computer fans and a thermostat.

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