
Jerry Mitchell avatar image
Jerry Mitchell asked

DC watts increase with increased PV watts

I have a RV with a MultiPlus 12/3000/120-50 120V VE.Bus (UL) , Cerbo GX, SmartSolar MPPT 150/100-TR VE.CAN 12/24 volt, and a BMV-712 Smart Monitor.

Everything seems to be working more or less ok, but when my panels start going up in watts, so does the DC power. I have confirmed multiple times there is nothing in the RV pulling this load up, so my guess is somehow the system is reading the incoming PV charge as load. Any ideas on why this might be occurring?screenshot-2022-05-12-105917.png

dc system
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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake commented ·
Can you please post a diagram of how it is wired, most likely the shunt is wired incorrectly.
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Jerry Mitchell avatar image Jerry Mitchell shaneyake commented ·

I haven't finished bolting everything down just yet, so it's a bit messy. It looks like it's wired correctly according to the manual. Thanks for the help!pxl-20220512-171527351mp.jpg

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1 Answer
shaneyake avatar image
shaneyake answered ·

Okay, the battery should connect to the shunt. No other connections should be on the battery negative other than the shunt.

Your inverter, MPPT and anything else you have should then connect to the shunt Load Terminal.

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Jerry Mitchell avatar image Jerry Mitchell commented ·
Makes perfect sense! I'll rewire and hopefully that will nail it down. Thanks a ton for the help!
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