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timm-1 asked

Multiplus 3000/12/120 - loop impedance measurement extremely high value - why?

Hello, everyone,
I have a problem with a Victron Multiplus 3000/12/120 built in 2020. During the repeat test, the loop impedance was measured in inverter operation. Values of 25mOhm and 8250 A were suddenly measured here - usual values were always 6 Ohm and approx. 37A. I've had the problem three times now on different devices with different measuring devices.
The device was disconnected from the mains and only worked on battery.
The mains impedance resulted in the usual values of approx. 6 ohms and 37A.

In the case of the Multiplus mentioned, the connection board was replaced in 2021 on suspicion and the problem was solved. Now, a year later, the problem appears again.

Measuring device: Gossen Metrawatt Profitest MXTRA

I hope you can help me

Thanks very much!
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