
batterskaz avatar image
batterskaz asked

Smart Solar 75/10 MPPT battery compatability


I would like to ask about the costumizeability of the battery and charge profiles on the Smart solar 75/10 MPPT controller. The specs mentions it is compatible with 12/24v systems, lead-acid or lithium.

Could the lithium charge profile be adjusted to charge a li-ion 18650 4S battey? (full discharge approx. 12v and full charge 16.8v)

Or are the profiles only adjustable within the normal ranges of 12v or 24v systems.


MPPT ControllersLithium Battery
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2 Answers
peter-3 avatar image
peter-3 answered ·

I can't see why not , you have full control on the voltage used , So you can set the absorption voltage and bulk voltage .

I think the 12 , 24 , 48 volt are just pre-set , so you could have a 36 volt battery .

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Easiest way to see the ranges is to download Victron connect, select demo library, then the kit you're interested in, then go into the settings.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

LiPo are very fussy about how they're charged. And should also have a temperature sensor controlling the charge rate. The temp sensors for smart solar aren't designed for lipos.

If you control the voltage carefully, it might work without damage. But you might week your cells or cause a fire.

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