All, i am puzzled by a 'last problem' in my install.
My system has 28 pylontech US2000B/C batteries in a mixed config, a Venus and 7 Multiplus (6x 5000, 1x 3000).
The 3000 is only used to feed IT loads, it never connects to the grid.
I am usually off-grid (on-grid in emergency with depleted batteries only).
So, when i reach the point of 'full', the Pylons correctly report a max. charge current of 0Amps and report the 'charge disable' bit.
However, the Multipluses continue to charge the batteries under these conditions with approx.25 amps, driving the battery voltage above the max. allowed voltage by the battery, and then vitron seems to switch to inverter and takes around 10kw from the batteries until the voltage drops to about 51V.
I have explicitely programmed a max. charge voltage of 52.5 in DVCC which it usually seems to comply with, but not in those 'peaks'. it us clearly visible from those graphs that victron violates the battery reported max. voltage, the configured max. charge voltage and even the 'charge forbidden' flag from the batteries.
Multiplus firmware version 481.
Any idea what could cause this behavior ?
Thanks - Johannes
(the above data is directly taken from the pylontech canbus by sniffing, but vrm reports same data)