
siegfried-meier avatar image
siegfried-meier asked

Orion 30 Fuse

Hi all! I'm curious as to why the Orion 30a needs a 60a fuse? We've got a 40a fuse at the starter battery of our Sprinter, then another 40a Blue Sea breaker at the input of the Orion and then yet another 40a blade fuse on the output of the Orion...any reason why this shouldn't work? Using roughly 20' of 6 gauge cabling.



orion-tr smart
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Siegfried Meier

Fusing is for cabling protection, not equipment protection. 60A is correct for 16mm² cabling or 6AWG.

You don't want nuisance blowing.

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siegfried-meier avatar image
siegfried-meier answered ·

Thanks! What I hadn't considered, and what was confirmed by another user, is that the Orion needs to draw well over 40a from the starter battery in order to boost the current to generate the 30a of charging...hence the 60a fuse.

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