
johnsmith avatar image
johnsmith asked

Possible to have LYNX SHUNT VE AND SMART SHUNT 500A on the same CERBO GX?

Possible to have LYNX SHUNT VE AND SMART SHUNT 500A on the same CERBO GX?

I have read somewhere that these two don't like sharing the same CERBO GX? or is this fiction?


lynx shunt
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

There is no need to do this at all. Just use one or the other depending upon which one is monitoring the system battery. Having two battery monitors serves no purpose and only one can be selected as the system battery monitor anyway.

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johnsmith avatar image johnsmith commented ·
Ther is a purpose for out install as we need mid point voltage monitoring and per item DC monitoring on devices.


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wjf avatar image wjf commented ·
@WKirby Say if we had a Turbine which we wanted to measure what that was contributing, is it possible to do?? Or what is the best way to get this info onto the VRM when you are using the lynx shunt for SOC etc
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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Yes you can have multiple smart shunts on one cerbo but only one can be used as a main battery bank monitor. The others can be used for whatever purpose you need.

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Related Resources

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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