
jotaemebe avatar image
jotaemebe asked

Multiplus-II premature frequency shifting at low battery SOC


I have connected my APSystems YC600 microinverters to ACOUT1, and configured ESS to frequency shift to 52Hz. my initial test with 14s-LiPoBattery at low SOC (20% - 50V), frequency shifting is happening every 1-2 minutes, briefly jumping to 51.9Hz or 52.1Hz in my opinion without any reason, because the battery is accepting a lot of power.

somebody can help me understand why is this happening?

I'm performing this test off-grid, getting the YC600s to work continuously if i set the shift frequency lower than the YC600 cut frequency. no overvoltage or hicups when charging the battery.

thank you!

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Usually as the SOC drops then the current thats allowed to be drawn from the batteries also reduces and this setting is in the batteries BMS - so maybe its the batteries sending it.

you can see the setting under the gx device list select you battery and then scroll down to parameters. This may give you something to look for.


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