
hdp avatar image
hdp asked

Charging stopped

Battery charger stopped working after a period of days, now passthru mode, what do I need to do to rectify?


Updated software, loaded ESS with Lithium 48VDC battery using Victron internal battery monitor

battery charging
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
When you say "internal battery monitor" do you mean the one in the multi or are these victron lithium batteries?

If they are third party batteries and you're using the built in monitor, then it is likely just inaccurately reporting the SOC.

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hdp avatar image hdp nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
yes, I use built-in one in the multi, the batteries still float at 55.8V almost like a trickle charge but the flow of charging from multi's charge and PV charger stopped
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ hdp commented ·
If you don't have a bms that can connect to the multi, then the built in meter does not work well in a PV environment. It is inaccurate because it can't "see" all the energy moving around the system. You need a shunt or a connected BMS.

In all likelihood, the batteries are full and the internal BMS is kicking in.

It's not a good combination.

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Is your battery set to keep batteries charged?

It may have stopped at 95% if that is the reserve set ij case of grid faliure.

It will pass through if your pv cannot produce to keep up with loads, or the grid set point is above your loads.

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hdp avatar image
hdp answered ·

Even of VRM if I play around with keep battery charged or battery life with % it doesn't seem to register my changes

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