Short question, is the Venus OS GUI somehow hardcoded to run on specific framebuffer device number and how to change that? Or any other idea what I'm doing wrong with RB3+, a 3.5" SPIO TFT display and Venus 2.85?
In every other article and blog the TFT seems to show up as /dev/fb1, but I'm getting this:
root@raspberrypi2:~# cat /proc/fb 0 simple 1 BCM2708 FB 2 fb_ili9486
So, the TFT seems to be sitting at /dev/fb2 and in theory works fine there, but the GUI doesn't work.
After a lot of experimenting I have the screen running ok for console and calibration, basically with the settings below but the GUI never shows up. I see the console boot messages and a root prompt on the screen, but nothing else. Removing the headless file doesn't change anything, so I assume it's just trying to draw on wrong fb device.
[all] dtparam=spi=on hdmi_force_hotplug=1 dtoverlay=tft35a, rotate=270 display_default_lcd=1
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 fbcon=map:2 console=tty1 consoleblank=300