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offroad asked

Victron Smartsolar 100/30 - Overpaneling with these panels?

Can I use 2x of these panels in series on a Victron Smartsolar 100/30?

Polycrystalline STC rated at 260w
Peak Efficiency 15.76%
Number of Cells 60
Imp 8.5A
Vmp 30.7V
Isc 9.01A
Voc 37.8V
NOCT 45.7°C

solar sizing
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

It will work but the MPPT will restrict max output of the panels if you're running a 12V battery bank.

You also need to check the temperature compensation for low temperature voltage increases

Sug gest you Google the Victron online solar calculator and run the calcs through there, it will recommend a larger unit.

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offroad avatar image offroad commented ·
Victron says the 100/30 can support 440w and the panels I'd be using would be 520w or about 18% overpaneled but the panels would be flat mounted so likely won't produce their full rating.

I know under ideal circumstances I'd be loosing some output but I'm fine with that provided the SCC can deal with it.

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