
chrichri avatar image
chrichri asked

Multi Plus 2 Charger off but mains on


in marine and campling car use, the application of a Multi Plus 2 in combination with Cerbo GX would be of great advantage if not only having the options on, off and charge only


on (=inverter on, Mains on and charger on)

off (=all off)

charger only (=charger on and mains on but inverter will not work)

Mains only (=charger off, inverter off but mains go through)

Inverter only (= charger off, inverter on and mains go through)

This would greatly help to have silent nights using "Mains only" still keeping all 230V devices alive.

And in case of Inverter only all 230V devices are kept alife even if the Land Mains fails...

I know that this can be worked arround by configuring an AUXin to change the charging current to 0 and with this disable the charge but this is only a workaround and not a good solution in marine and camping use.

I know that the implementation of this feature is not of great work and maybe I can convince with this an Victron engineer to implement this into the marine overview display as "advanced state control functionality" option.

THX and best regards to all of you

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3 Answers
ldenisey avatar image
ldenisey answered ·


I do agree that this is a missing feature. Can we have a status from Victron team about a possible implementation ?


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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

As a new member, please familiarise yourself with the community guidelines about posting questions and the purpose of the forum.

In the modifications section, where this is posted, there are various topics on customising the behaviour of the system, but ultimately staff don't comment on feature requests or roadmaps etc.

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ldenisey avatar image ldenisey nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you for your response. In that case, is there an appropriate place where users can propose new features and eventually vote on them ?

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hjohnson avatar image
hjohnson answered ·

I'm not sure what the purpose would be? On my small boat, I literally sleep on top of my MultiPlus II (12/2000/80-50 120v), and have never had a noise issue with it. It's soft mounted to my hull sitting on rubber mounts, and is under the mattress, so pretty quiet.

I do make pretty frequent use of the DVCC overrides, especially when I leave the boat behind at the dock for a period of time. But that's probably the best option to do this kind of thing. I like to let my battery ride at about 70% SoC when the boat is just sitting there unused.

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ldenisey avatar image
ldenisey answered ·

The purpose is to be able to enjoy 220V in my RV while not charging my battery over and over again when I am plugged for a long period of time.

Indeed, we can work around by setting the multiplus in "charger only" and DVCC -> "Maximum current charge" to 0. But apart from being not convenient at all and probably not meant to be used this way, the Multiplus state is showed as "Bulk" which is not quite the case.

Given the quality of the hardware, it seems sad to have to work around such a basic feature.

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hjohnson avatar image hjohnson commented ·
I just set my DVCC voltage to 13.4v and let the battery sit there when not aboard. It lets the battery sit at around 75% or so, and powers the roughly 25W of DC load (Cerbo, boat instrumentation, LTE router, AIS transponder). it doesn't put any significant wear on the battery, as the battery current is essentially zero. It's been on my boat for about 2 years now, and the BMS only indicates less than 25 cycles over that time. The cells are probably good for 3000 cycles.

I think you're worrying over things that aren't a big issue.

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