
adamhubalovsky avatar image
adamhubalovsky asked

House solar farm setup


I need your help with setting up my system.

EU-Czech Republic (230V, AC, 50Hz each phase, 3 phase system)

Annual electricity consumption is 11MWh, but now we are heating water with gas, wanna start heating with electricity so 2MWh more in the future and in the future charge EV so another 2-3MWh of power.

3-Phase House (eg. cooking plate + oven uses 3 phases)
Each phase has 16A brakers so ~4kVA per phase

We want to have hybrid system. We can be grid independent for 3/4 of the year.

What we want -

Solar energy will be first used to home appliances, then to charge backup battery, then use it to charge EV, and finally what is left during summer to sell back to grid.

During night, and when we have bad weather, first we want to dump batteries, and after use grid power.

We want to be "independent" during grid blackout.

We can install up to 20kVA of Solar panels to our roof. Split into 4 segments

1) West 11kVA
2) East 3,75kVA
3) South 3kVA
4) Flat 2,25kVA

Because of different orientations and huge distances between solar segments up to 45 meters from south to technical room and 15m west/flat/east to technical room) we would like to use AC coupling with microinverters. We can get pretty good deal on these:

(SunPower 375W Performance 3 + Enphase IQ7A)
Comprar panel solar SunPower 375W Performance 3 con microinversor (

We would like to use 48V LiFePo4 battery architecture with expandable capacity.

What I am not sure about is battery / storage / grid management.

As a battery charger and grid manager we can use for example

Quattro 8000VA, but I need three of them to have 3 phases.

Then every quattro will have its own 48V battery, (for example 3x 8kVA battery pack)
Solar panels would be split to 3 groups of +- same VA of 6,7kVa and every segment would be connected to one quattro.

Is possible to configure quattros to work that they first charge batteries and then the rest is fed to grid?

Do quattros work with Enphase inverters? Can they stop them when the grid is out and batteries are full?

Can this work? Is there another (cheaper) solution?

Thank you very much.
Have a nice day

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Quattro 8000VA, but I need three of them to have 3 phases.

Then every quattro will have its own 48V battery, (for example 3x 8kVA battery pack)

No. All 3 inverters will use the same battery bank.

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Also, you should have at least one PV array (maybe that "flat" one in your case) with an MPPT charger which can charge the battery directly.

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

For AC coupled Inverter part, I don't know if your choice is feasible.

Look into using a Fronius 3-phase inverter instead.

In any case, do not buy anything until you have a properly thought solution.

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