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roachmon asked

12/100 Smart Battery Protect Li-ion mode Shutdown Voltage

Hey there,

When a Smart Battery Protect 12/100 is set in Li-ion mode, the BMS controls the shutdown when the battery reaches a certain low voltage. I am using a Ve Bus BMS. When in Li-ion mode, Victron Connect disables the shutdown setting on the Battery Protect. Where and by which device is this 'low voltage' level determined? is it programmed somewhere, or does the VE Bus BMS just know this value?

thanks for your help!

Battery Protect
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


It is the VE.Bus BMS that should control the Smart BatteryProtect via its remote on/off port (H signal). There is an example in the manual how to wire this up.

The BMS gets the signals from the lithium smart battery. The battery is where you set the limit (allowed-to-discharge cell voltage, pre alarm threshold and allowed-to-charge minimum temperature).

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roachmon avatar image
roachmon answered ·

Thank You @Stefanie!

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