
jagonzas avatar image
jagonzas asked

Multiplus II 48/1000 disconect fron grid with RoCoF too high msg (Grid code standar Spain)

Multiplus II disconnect from grid

Multiplus with grid connection on AC-IN, Fronius on AC-OUT and Pylontech bateries and Cerbo, all with latest firmware, with ESS assistant installed, Multi disconnect from utility grid, it you manually reconnected the grid, the system remain connected to grid for some minutes and disconnect again and every time.


Gird Frec in is 50.1Hz Voltage around 240 (inside Spain regulation limits)

Any idea or solution?

error-victron.png (87.0 KiB)
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2 Answers
Meine_Energiewende avatar image
Meine_Energiewende answered ·

You seem to have a problem with your grid.

RoCoF means: Rate of Change of Frequency.


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jagonzas avatar image
jagonzas answered ·

while it remains connected in mk3 alwais indicate 50.1Hz, no variation in VRM we can see:


so, despite the down in freq while disconnect it's look estable at 50.1, do you thought it's a Grid problem?? if we bypass the multi and reconnect grid to house, all run's smothly

freqmulti.png (12.6 KiB)
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jesper-zandin avatar image jesper-zandin commented ·
Do you still have this problem? I seem to be having the same issue and it would be nice with a solution.
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