
ryanb avatar image
ryanb asked

Which serial interface is the Octo GX RS485 port mapped to?


I'm investigating the options of writing an RS485 driver on the OctoGx, for specialised metering system. I'd like to know which UART (or serial interface) the RS485 port is mapped to in the Venus OS? Is it ttyUSB#?

Once I have this information, what would be the easiest way to test communication on this port, without a victron enabled RS485 device? I want to send data to the OctoGx RS485 port from an RS485 raspberry pi Hat.

Thanks in advance,


gx device
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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Yes, its probably one of the USB ports. Try lsusb; or snooping around in the udev configuration; to find out which port is what.

What I know is that the RS485 FTDI usb chip is programmed with some productid or name to make it be recognised as RS485 by Venus OS. But I don't remember the details; and don't have time to login and look around myself now; sorry.

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ryanb avatar image ryanb commented ·

Thank you, its mapped to /dev/ttyUSB0

I used this command to query udev :

udevadm info -q symlink /dev/ttyUSB0
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