Have you had experience with WECO and Victron installations? When following the manual, are they straightforward? Any bad feedback on the WECO? Any points why you would only buy a WECO? Thanks for your time to answer!
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Have you had experience with WECO and Victron installations? When following the manual, are they straightforward? Any bad feedback on the WECO? Any points why you would only buy a WECO? Thanks for your time to answer!
Just type "weco" into the search bar and viola! You will see comments.
The most recent was someone who had issues.
It is not on the compatibility list, so you will be on your own making it work.
@WJF WECO manufacture robust great batteries and they work well with Victron although I do not know why Victron has not tested them. In the US market their 5k3 battery has been branded Deka from some material I looked at recently.
WECO batteries come with 10yr warranty and +7000 cycles AT 100%DOD and can charge at C1.
What is key is to get the closed loop connection (digital coms) right. You need to crimp the RJ45 cable correctly to get the digital coms. Once you do, GX device will actually see WECO and display it in the device list. Here is the WECO to Victron pinout:
Victron GX side Function WECO side
Pin 3--------------------GND---------------Pin 3
Pin 8--------------------L--------------------Pin 2
Pin 7-------------------H---------------------Pin 1
If using TypeB RJ45 leave one end as is and mark that as the Victron GX side then on the other side which will be the WECO side, cut off the RJ45 adapter and pick out Brown, Brown/White and Green/White. Connect these cables to a new RJ45 adapter as follows:
Green/White ====> Pin 3
Brown=========> Pin 2
Brown/White====> Pin 1
When you check your device list on your GX device you will see WECO appear there.
I am installing two WECO 4K4s to Victron Multiplus II tomorrow. Will send pictures when done.
Dobrý deň.
Som zo Slovenska. Kúpil som vaše batérie WECO 5,3 kWh pre inštaláciu Victron. BMS kamera komunikuje, ale zapisuje chybu Monitor batérie [512] - Alarm vysokého napätia: Alarm. Dodávateľ mi nevie poradiť!!!! Tvrdili, že batérie sú 100% kompatibilné. Victron má nastavený Absorption 56.6V Float 56.6V. Batéria sa rýchlo nabila. Opakovane aktivuje budíky na obrazovke. Prikladám aj foto.
hi kalito,
im planning an installation with victron multiplus 2 , color control and studer variostring mppt
with weco batteries
any doubts about such a setup? they have a different protocol bus can studer and victron not sure when combining with weco...
kind regards
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