Hi all,
Im having problems with my new system that i've just installed.
Spec is;
3 x Pylontech US2000C
2 x Pylontech US2000's
1 x Pylontech US2000 Plus
1 x Cerbo GX - FW V2.73
1 x SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 150/85 FW V3.10
1 x Quattro 48/8000/110 FW 481
I Initially set everything up without the Quattro as it hadn't arrived yet. The batteries were all happy and charged from the MPPT from 30-40% to 100%. About 2 weeks later my Quattro arrived, i set it up according to the Victron Pylontech document, i then discharged the batteries a bit, to around 60% SOC, but the MPPT wouldn't charge them again (Currently no AC in to the Quattro wired up yet, just a single AC out). I kept discharging to around 20% and 3 days later it still hast charged from the MPPT again. I have attached screenshots of my VRM instance, and also a few of the Pylontech BatteryView, showing 'Discharge Current = Null', im not sure if this is the issue?
VRM is showing all 6 Pylontech modules, with the correct capacity and correct charge current limits (150a).
I have noticed the 3 old Pylontechs are all showing 'Phamtom S' firmware, so unsure if these have had the wrong firmware applied at some point? But the fact they charged as expected initially is making me think this might not be the issue?
Do you have any ideas? The other thing i found strange is when discharging the load, the system was powering it purely from the batteries and still no Solar input. I assumed in this scenario the GX device would try and use the MPPT to power the load regardless of what the Pylontech BMS requests?