
mcwidowmaker avatar image
mcwidowmaker asked

Trouble with older and later model charge controllers

I have a problem with my victron charge controllers. I have 2 old rectangular victron 150/70 charge controllers and a newer 250/80 square smart charge controller, charging a 24kw and 12kwh bluenova battery bank.

Since I updated my new charge controller to the latest firmware, if I power it up first, it completely throttles the two older charge controllers to 0W. If I bring up the two older charge controllers first, they charge fine, but the moment I bring up the new controller, it will throttle one of the old charging controllers to 0W. The next day when the sun rises, both of the old charge controllers will again be throttled to 0W, irrespective if one of them were working correctly.

If I leave the new charge controller disabled, the old ones function as intended. All devices are visible to my colour control GX.

MPPT Controllers
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

All devices are visible to my colour control GX.

And we are waiting for some VRM graphs/plots/data.....

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Can you share more about the inverter setup and settings?

From what version to what version did you update?

Are these batteries seen as one bank ie one BMS?

Charts would help.. compare what voltage the MPPT's are reporting, to what is measured at the terminals by a meter, to what the battery is reporting it's CVL as.

edit: check that your mppt settings persisted after the update and that they are the same across all three.

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1 Answer
mcwidowmaker avatar image
mcwidowmaker answered ·

Sorry, not sure how to get all the information requested. Will have to get someone out here that knows how to fix it. My can bus is throwing TX errors like crazy. I suspect I may have a device with issues, as I replaced all the cables and it still isn't solving the problem.

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